Bacarisse Law Contact Information

Bacarisse Law Contact Information

Schedule a Consultation

Personal service, competent representation and reasonable legal fees are hallmarks of working with the attorneys of

Bacarisse Law PLLC. Our attorneys are experienced and compassionate and have represented numerous clients in probate, estate administration, estate planning, and guardianship matters. We also serve clients with elder law issues and handle select cases dealing with qualification for Medicaid to fund long term care. We are not a litigation firm, but our focus is to help families work out disagreements. We help our clients resolve difficult issues.

Please contact us today to schedule your consultation. You can call us at (713) 623-1029 or use the convenient contact form below.

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Office Address

Bacarisse Law PLLC
1800 Bering Dr., Suite 315
Houston, TX 77057

Office Phone

Bacarisse Law Houston, Texas
Bacarisse Law Office
Houston, Texas
Bacarisse Law Contact Information
Bacarisse Law Probate & Estate Planning

A Tradition Of Excellence In Estate Planning, Wills And Trusts, Estate Administration And Guardianship Law Since 1990.

Office Address

1800 Bering Dr.
Suite 315
Houston, TX 77057

Business Phone


Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM